Thursday, February 28, 2013

FSU Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans' Families 2013

I am honored to share this video, it's a sampling of the past nine days I spent at Florida State University in the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans' Families program. It's a phenomenal program, open to family members of service connected veterans with disabilities and active members of the armed forces. I would strongly encourage anyone in those groups interested in starting their own business, or who have already started one to apply for this program!

Have you ever heard the term "drinking water from a fire hose"? You will work hard, learn much, gain new friends and have your life changed for the better.

Here's the link for the regular Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans' with Disabilities.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Peacock Orchid Oil Painting

Peacock Orchid, 24x30", Oil on Canvas, ©Victoria Page Miller

"Peacock Orchid" came out of the desire to apply dramatic lighting to a double blooming Phalaenopsis moth Orchid. The backdrop is a stained glass screen and features a peacock pattern, partially hidden by the flowers. The peacock is known to mate for life and the orchid blooms are joined, yet complementary.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Selected for Judging and Breaking Barriers

This past weekend at the Mount Dora Art Festival I was deeply honored to have my painting "Rebuilding Haiti" selected for Judging. This means that it was pre-screened and deemed worthy to be in the semi finals by the esteemed judges! Although I didn't win, having my painting selected was a huge honor and brought lots of curious onlookers into my booth.

"Rebuilding Haiti", Watercolor, Selected for Judging, VPMiller

One of them was a clinical psychologist, who said that the painting broke all the barriers and did I plan on that before painting it? "What do you mean", I asked? She explained to me that it broke barriers of race, culture, career, language and relationship. Did I plan to do all that with this painting? I laughed, explaining that I was moved emotionally after the earthquake in Haiti and just painted. I really wasn't thinking of it that way.
I like her version though!

It's incredible the interesting people that come to view your art, and some of the feedback they give. I wouldn't trade that for the world.